My mummy has magic hands. She can brush my hair without hurting me
She has a magic body. She grew me in her tummy.
My mummy’s hugs are magic too.
They let me know I’m loved.
Just in time for Mother’s Day next weekend, this is a delightful picture book celebration of the bond between mother and child. The young narrator opens by telling the reader that her mummy is magic, then elaborates by sharing the different ways in which her mummy is magic.
The text is simple and gentle, with the ways the mummy is magic being things most children (and parents) will relate to – mum knowing how to make things better, seemingly having eyes in the back of her head, and so on. The pastel colours of the illustrations add to this gentle feel, with the pictures showing mother and daughter engaged in everyday tasks.
This would make a lovely Mother’s Day or new baby gift, making lovely bed time reading.
Magic Mummy, by Caroline Still, illustrated by Christina Miesen
black dog, 2009