There is a moment in some lives where the world grows still and a decision must be made. Robert Clive knew it when the Indian sun rose and he saw the huge army he had to defeat at Plassey, camped within shouting distance. Lisa Potts knew it when she decided to go outside one more time to rescue children from a machete-wielding maniac. At such moments, there is no one to save you. The decision is yours alone.
From the authors of the Dangerous Book for Boys, Conn and David Iggulden, comes this inspirational collection of stories about heroes. From throughout the British Empire/Commonwealth, from different times and of both genders, what these heroes have in common is their courage. In peace and in war, at home and abroad, these people have faced all kinds of situations with bravado and spirit of adventure.
Some of the heroes are already well known – including Laurence of Arabia, Scott of the Antarctic and Florence Nightingale. Others may be new to readers – such as Lisa Potts, a 21-year-old nursery teacher who was repeatedly attacked by a man wielding a machete, as she protected her young charges.
Each heroes story is detailed in a separate chapter with black and white illustrations and suggestions for further reading.
This hardcover volume could be read cover to cover but is also great for dipping into, making a fine addition to a home library for older children, teens and adults.
The Dangerous Book of Heroes, by Conn Iggulden and David Iggulden
Harper Collins, 2009
This book can be purchased online from Fishpond.. Buying through this link supports Aussiereviews.