Around the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne, illustrated by Robert Ingpen

“A true Englishman doesn’t joke when he is talking about so serious a thing as a wager,’ replied Phileas Fogg, solemnly. I will bet twenty thousand pounds against anyone who wishes, that I will make the tour of the world in eighty days or less.’

It’s not often a book so obviously not set in Australia, or featuring any Australians, is reviewed here on Aussiereviews, but when the illustrator is one of Australia’s best, the review is more than warranted. Around the World in Eighty Days is the latest in a wonderful series of classic books brought to life in the wonderful illustrative work of Robert Ingpen.

These are the sort of books which make a book lover’s heart swell just to hold – hard cover, sumptuously illustrated, gorgeous cover, jacket, endpapers…in short, pure bliss.

At the same time, the opportunity to discover, or rediscover, the Jules Verne classic story is also a treat. I thought I knew it, but knew only the bare bones – and, perhaps like many other readers, was surprised to realise there was no balloon travel involved in the story!

Text and illustrations combine to transport the reader back to 1872 on a journey of wonderful imagination.

Suitable for readers of all ages.

Around the World in Eighty Days

Around the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne, illustrated by Robert Ingpen
Walker Books 2012

Available from good bookstores and online.