Review policy

Aussiereviews will consider books by Australian authors for review, but due to the large numbers of books received cannot guarantee a review of every book.

Our review policy is as follows:

  1. We only review books written and/or illustrated by Australians.
  2. Requests for reviews should be made via email (through our ‘contact’ page) with details of the book – a press release, or details of genre, length, subject matter  and publisher. We will request a review copy, and provide a postal address, if the book seems likely to appeal to us.
  3. We prefer to hear from publishers rather than authors. This allows a professional distance between author and reviewer.
  4. We do not guarantee to review every book that we receive, though we endeavour to review as many as possible. We try to run reviews within three months of receipt.
  5. Although we do not review every book we receive, sometimes a book which is not reviewed will be discussed by us in other ways, such as in person or elsewhere online.
  6. At present our focus is largely on children’s and young adult books. Although we review some adult titles, our preference is for books for younger readers.
  7. We do not respond to every request for a review. This is simply because of the overwhelming number of emails received.