Studying part time means juggling all areas of your life – work, relationships, family life, social life and other interests, along with fitting in time to make a go of whatever course you are undertaking. For those returning or contemplating a return to study, it can be a daunting prospect.
Studying Part Time without Stress is a no-nonsense guide to coping with these competing demands and making the most of your time. It gives practical advice on ways to make the experience a rewarding one for yourself and for those around you.
As well as chapters on choosing what and how to study, there are sections devoted to identifying your learning style, effectively organising your time, writing assignments and more. For those who have been away from study for a length of time, there is clear advice on how to write notes, essays and reports, how to correctly reference these, and how to locate suitable resources.
Appendices to the book include a list of useful print and electronic resources, note taking short cuts, weekly study schedule templates, glossaries and more.
Theresa De Fazio is a teacher at the Centre for educational Development and Support at Victoria University. She is the author of Studying in Australia (1999) and managed to find time to write this book while teaching, conducting research for her doctoral thesis and looking after a young family. Studying Part Time Without Stress is aimed at students taking courses at all levels of college and university and will help you succeed in your study.
Studying Part Time Without Stress, by Teresa De Fazio
Allen & Unwin, 2002.