Harlan and Ainsley Banana are not happy. Life is not treating them well at all. First, their parents separated. Then, just when they’d got used to that, they both copped really bad teachers. Now, things are looking even more grim, with their dad in deep depression. Mister Banana is lonely, and all Ainsley and Harlan want is for him to be happy. They are sure their lives will get better if only they can cheer him up.
When Ainsley blows a dandelion and a frongle appears, she gets to make a wish. Her wish is a big wish – a Kazillion wish. The frongle, Zootfrog, explains that a kazillion wish has to be earned, by undertaking a quest: a Kazillion Wish quest.
Accompanied by a crazy creature named Zucchini Spacestation, Harlan and Ainsley embark on their quest, meeting strange and wild creatures such as the Chocolion and Martian twins with a desperate need for speed.
The Kazillion Wish is a wild and funny adventure which kids aged 7 to 11 will love. Plenty of fun.
The Kazillion Wish, by Nick Place
Allen & Unwin, 2003