Under the shade of a huge tree in the desert, Echidna spends his days minding the young of the other animals while they hunt for food. But, in spite of his assistance, the other animals will not share their food. In anger, Echidna uproots the tree, endangering their safety. Their efforts to stop him explain why today he has stubby feet and spikes.
The Echidna and the Shade Tree is one of a series of eight Aboriginal stories told in picture book format and published by Schoastic press.
The story is compiled by Pamela Lofts based on a telling by Mona Green of the Jaru people to students in Halls Creek, Western Australia. The book’s illustrations are adapted from the children’s picture interpretations of the story.
Simply told and presented, this is a book which is accessible and entertaining for all children and which would make an excellent classroom resource for students of all backgrounds.
The Echidna and the Shade Tree, told by Mona Green, compiled by Pamela Lofts
Scholastic Press, 2004