When Liz and her friends need to earn some money, she has a great idea. Soon the friends are known collectively as Teen Power Inc., advertising themselves as willing to do almost any job. When they do get their first job, however, they don’t expect to be involved in solving a mystery. Their employer, the proprietor of the Pen newspaper, is having an unbelievable run of bad luck. Liz and her friends are soon involved in working out what is going on.
The Ghost of Raven Hill is the first in the series now known as the Raven Hill Mysteries, but which first appeared in 1994 as the Teen Power Inc. series. The book seems to have travelled well and is just as likely to appeal to upper primary aged readers now as it did when it was first released.
A little different than Rodda’s more recent offerings in the fantasy genre, The Ghost of Raven Hill is still a good sound mystery story .
The Ghost of Raven Hill, by Emily Rodda
First Published by Scholastic, 1994, this edition, 2004