Parents who have older children may look at the title of this book and wonder if there is a need for yet another poo book. But those who are familiar with Jeannette Rowe’s other Whose books (including Whose ears? and Whose feet?) will be tempted to look at this one, too, and won’t be disappointed.
There is not a sign of any ‘real’ poo in this one – which is a relief in an illustrated book – with the poo instead being humorous and unexpected. Robot’s poo, for example, is nuts and bolts, whilst rocking horse’s poo is wood shavings. The final picture has a potty-training message with a child pointing into a potty and saying ‘my poo’.
Kids will love the humour and the lift the flap format, while adults will like the simple message about potty training – that it is fun.
Very cute.
Whose poo? by Jeannette Rowe
ABC Books, 2005