The Studebaker cut the corner as it bounced too quickly into Etna Street, and hardly slowed as it drew level with Woodcock. To his horror, the strapper saw that the man in the back now had in his hands not a newspaper but a double-barrelled shotgun, aimed straight at him.
While history shows that Phar Lap won the prestigious Melbourne Cup in 1930, most Australians are unaware of the dramas that dominated the days leading up the cup. First Phar Lap was shot at as his strapper lead him home from a workout. To keep him safe, he was spirited away to Geelong, where he was kept hidden and under police guard. After violent storms and sleepless nights for his watchers, Phar Lap was finally taken back to Melbourne on cup day – only to have the truck carrying him break down several times on the way. None of these dramas, however, were able to stop Phar Lap from decimating the Cup field.
Melbourne Cup 1930 is a detailed analysis of all aspects of the 1930 Cup, with a focus, of course, on the dramas which surrounded Phar Lap. Authors Geoff Armstrong and Peter Thompson unravel the rumours, innuendos and facts about what really happened in those drama-filled days leading up to the Cup.
Not just for horse racing enthusiasts, this is a detailed look at a special part of Australia’s history. No other horse has captured Australia’s heart so completely, and this offering gives a glimpse into the reasons for that passion.
Melbourne Cup 1930: How Phar Lap Won Australia’s Greatest Race, by Geoff Armstrong & Peter Thompson
Allen & Unwin, 2005