Bored with board games?
Sick of charades?
Had it with hide-and-seek?
This new offering promises to teach kids some ‘real’ kidskillz. There are step by step instructions on all sorts of things from how to win a staring contest or thumb wrestle, to how to hang a spoon from your nose, and, of course, how to give a wedgie.
While some adults may wonder at the wisdom of giving kids any more ammunition, the book is written in good humour and most of the new skillz they will learn are harmless. There is also the added benefit that each new skill is written as a step by step procedure – with a goal, an equipment list and instructions on how to master the skill. This is attractive to literacy teachers as it could be used to brighten up procedure writing lessons.
The books is illustrated by Matt Phillips with cartoon-style drawings, and has plenty of laughs. Good holiday reading for kids aged 8 and up.
How to Give a Wedgie & Other Tricks, Tips and Skills No Adult Will Teach You, by Dave & Joe Borgenicht, drawings by Matt Phillips
ABC Books, 2006