Some people long to change their lives. Others have the courage to make those changes. Others still have change thrust upon them and have to accept it, like it or not. Whichever category you fall into, this comprehensive guide will help to you make changes, or simply to make the most of the changes already happening to you.
Get a New Life, written by the publisher of Your Life magazine is a comprehensive guide to managing change. From an opening section exploring what change is and how to plan for change, the book goes on to examine different kinds of change in three subsequent sections devoted to changing yourself, changing your working life and making a sea-change. Each section includes numerous case studies and anecdotes, showing how individuals have coped with and implemented change in their own lives, as well as plenty of practical suggestions, from managing finances, to avoiding pitfalls. There are checklists and questions to ask yourself and valuable lists of resources including websites, organisations and books.
The emphasis of the books is on taking charge and working out what works best for you, the reader, rather than a bible dictating how it should be done. This is a great read for anyone who feels they are missing something in their life or who is facing any sort of change.
Get a New Life, by Kaye Fallick
Allen & Unwin, 2004