Caravan Park Kids, by Jane C. Scott

‘Now look what you’ve done,’ yelled the boy. ‘You’ve made me lose the biggest fish I’ve ever caught, and my Grandpa’s rod.’
I was amazed by his anger and tried to say ‘I’m sorry’ but the boy was already storming off up the beach.

Vicki loves her holidays at the caravan park on the beach. One of the best things is meeting up with her four friends, who she only sees during their annual holidays. But this year, as well as the usual fun, there’s a new boy around. He’s grumpy, mean about the games Vicki and her friends play and he’s up to something strange. Things have been going missing around the caravan park and the new boy is always around when it happens. Is he stealing the things? Vicki and her friends don’t know what to do about it.

Caravan Park Kids is a fast moving mystery for kids aged 8 to 12. With a touch of humour and a message about judging others and about friendship, it is a fun read. Part of the Breakers series from Macmillan Education and with comic illustrations by Dave Deakin, it is suitable both as a classroom reader and for private enjoyment.

Caravan Park Kids, by Jane C. Scott
Macmillan Education, 2004