Kiami is not yet a man when he realises that clay can be used to fix and to make things. Excited by the possibilities of his discovery, the elders of the tribe ask him to work on perfecting his craft to make more clay baskets for the whole tribe. But can he get it right before the time comes for him to become a hunter and join the other men?
The First Potter is a tale in the tradition of tribal legends, told through the first person narration of a storyteller of the tribe in which the story is set. As well as telling Kiami’s story it also gives one possible explanation of how man came to use clay to make containers, pots and art works.
The First Potter is part of the new Breakers series from Macmillan Education and is an example of how the series makes use of different styles and genres to provide texts which are suitable both for classroom study and private reading.
Well told.
The First Potter, by Tony Stone
Macmillan Education, 2004