Looking for a gift for that hard to buy for person? Can I suggest a copy of Dog Talesby Ken Rolph?
Consisting of all short pieces, it is the type of book you can pick up and read in small bursts. Ten minutes here and half an hour there.
It is a book of anecdotes told with wisdom and humour. No, it’s not all about dogs, though there are some amusing insights in letters from Lord Rupert Pupkin. But it also has a lot about renovations and do it yourself jobs, relationships, and other things. I’m not a person who laughs easily at books. I have been known to read books declared by their blurb to be uproariously funny and barely raise a smile. However, I laughed at the humour of this and the scenes presented. Not just a little sly chuckle. Some real honest to goodness laughter, especially those concerning the bathroom renovations, the pet show and the removal of the oil heater. Being able to write humour is a real gift, not everyone has.
Contrast the funny stories with the gentle parable of the stone and the weed, some haiku, and it makes for an eclectic mix. I particularly liked the haiku about sweet peas, (one of my favourite flowers) and the Indian mynahs. The idea of mynahs as street birds in The writer as and the death of Iris were observant pieces as are many of the others telling of the foibles of people and animals. The description of the pelican’s eyes is one of the clearest I have ever read. If you want a good chuckle check it out.
Dog Tales, by Ken Rolph
Hexagon Press, 2011