Welcome to the new look Aussiereviews! Having been here on the world wide web sharing reviews for over ten years, the site was well overdue for a bit of a facelift. And now, after a redesign and manually transferring all of the old reviews (over 2000 of them) from the old html based files to the new WordPress based management system, it is ready to go live. Hurrah!

So, what’s new?
- The look and layout of the pages, especially the pretty new banner designed by Murphlet 2
- The easier to navigate menus, with the ability to browse the categories easily from the top menu.
- This blog, which will allow me (and, perhaps, guest bloggers) to chat about the running of the site as well as news and views aboutAussie books and publishing.
- The use of tags at the end of each review which will make it easier to find books by publisher, author, illustrator or topic
The new website
What is unchanged is that Aussiereviews will continue to review as many new release Australian books as possible.
So, have a look around, see what you think, and please keep enjoying our reviews.
Lots of Love
May I ask one favour? If you are an author, illustrator, publicist, website manager or blogger who has previously linked to this site or, especially, particular reviews, could you take a few moments to update your links? If you have linked to the homepage your link should still work, but if you have linked to particular pages or reviews, it will need updating. You should be able to locate the new page using the search box in the menu bar above. Once you’ve found the right page, simply copy and paste the new url wherever you had an old one. Thanks heaps!