Delighted today to welcome Ambelin Kwaymullina to the blog to chat about her latest book, the second in the Tribe series. Over to you, Ambelin.
1. Give us the details – title, publisher, illustrator, release date.
The Disappearance of Ember Crow, Walker Books, released 1 November 2013.
2. Why did you write the book?
The same reason I write any of my books. Because I have to. In the times when I do not write the stories build up and up beneath my skin; they begin to whisper in my ear and demand to be told. If I do not write I fear I will explode. Or possibly go crazy.
3. How long from idea to publication?
About a year, all in.
4. What was the hardest thing about writing it?
I feel what my characters feel when I am writing; that makes the tough moments for them even tougher to write for me.
There’s this very quiet moment for Ember, when she’s on the road heading into Fern City. It’s the scene that ends ‘There was no one to witness my foolishness now, except perhaps for the crows, and crows kept each other’s secrets…I let myself smile.’
That’s not a particularly dramatic moment, but it was difficult to write because I was conscious when I was doing so of how very vulnerable Ember is. She’s hiding what she feels from Jules at this point; she doesn’t believe it’s possible for him – or for anyone – to truly care about her. I felt so sad for her, my Em; I could feel her isolation, there on the road in the dark.
5. Coolest thing about your book?
The big revelation moments – and I can’t say anything about them without giving something away! But there’s lots of ‘wow I didn’t see that coming!’ or ‘I can’t believe it!’ moments in Ember Crow.
6. Something you learnt through writing the book?
Second books are not easier to write than first books. I retain the hope that the third book will be easier than the first two. Not happening so far…
7. What did you do celebrate the release?
Scrabble tournament with my family. It was a draw between me and my brother Blaze.
8. And how will you promote the book?
Well – this blog tour, for a start! And I’m in the process of putting my own author website together which is very exciting. If there’s any fans out there who are reading this, once my website is done you’ll be able to go onto it and work out what animal you’d be bonded with in the Firstwood. Pretty cool, huh? (I think it is anyway).
9. What are you working on next?
Third book in the Tribe series – The Foretelling of Georgie Spider.
10. Where we can find out more about you and your book?
Thanks for visiting Ambelin. You can visit the next stop on Ambelin’s blog tour tomorrow at