I’m really pleased today to welcome brilliant poet, Lorraine Marwood, to the Aussiereviews blog. Lorraine has agreed to take part in the ‘Meet My Book’ feature. Over to Lorraine, and her answers to my questions.
1. Give us details: title, publisher, illustrator, release date.
My latest title is Guinea Pig town and other poems about animals. Published by Walker Books Australia, illustrated by Amy Daoud and the release date was 1st April 2013.

2. Why did you write the book?
I already have two collections of poetry with Walker and after discussion with my publisher we wanted a brand new collection of poems all about animals.
3. How long from idea to publication?
About 18 months of intense writing, re-writing, editing.
4. What was the hardest thing about writing it?
I think the hardest part was the whole nebulous idea of an animal poetry collection , but once the title poem was written (I wrote and sent poems in batches to be read by my publisher and editor) then the whole book suddenly took shape and direction.
5. The coolest thing about your book.
There were several cool moments- one was writing a flamingo poem after a visit to a restaurant garden several floors up in London (with flamingos)and after discovering the horn of a narwhal in Scotland. Also the way I wanted the cover designed and the breaking up of chapters into roads, crescents, avenues, all following the lead from the title poem ‘Guinea pig town’.
6. Something you learnt through writing the book?
That plunging in with an idea gradually takes shape and form and writing directs more writing. (Well I already knew this but it was reinforced.) Also that I love to research facts about an animal before writing. Very important for me as a poet.
7. What did you do to celebrate the release?
I had two fabulous launches on the one day sponsored by the local Bendigo library and the wonderful children’s librarian Tammy complete with an animal farm for kids to hold guinea pigs. There was a huge response.
8. And how will you promote the book?
Through facebook, school visits, my own blog and the writing of a poetry strategy to share the love of animals and poetry.
9 What are you working on next?
Ah, a bigger novel, another verse novel and of course I’d love to write another poetry collection- any ideas for themes?
10. Where can we find out more about you and your book?
Through my web site. www.lorrainemarwood.com
through the Walker Books website and through my blog.
Also I have a facebook author page
Thanks Sally for a great Aussiereviews site.
Lorraine Marwood
Thanks Lorraine. You can see my review of Guinea Pig Town here