Simply Beautiful, by Georgia Mantis-Kapralos

Every woman wants to look and feel beautiful. In Simply Beautiful, author Georgia Mantis-Kapralos aims to help her readers achieve that goal.

With advice on everything from reducing stress, to applying make up and accessorising your wardrobe, the author shares her experiences, hoping to to share the message that “a little care each day goes a long way to making you look and feel better than you ever have before.”

Mantis-Kapralos believes that, with just ten or twenty minutes a day for excercise, grooming and relaxation, a woman can help herself to look and feel better. She shares her eating plan, exercise regime, beauty routine and more. Photographs of herself demonstrating her efforts are included throughout the book.

For women who want such advice, the book will be of interest. Some, however, may find the lack of sound editing a little distracting.

The author is obviously very enthusiastic about the subject of self-development.

Simply Beautiful, by Georgia Mantis-Kapralos
Self-Published, 2003

Forbidden Love, by Georgia Mantis-Kapralos

Athena Zamerkopolous is caught between two worlds. Her parents want her to follow Greek tradition and prepare her herself for the life role of wife and mother. She must not date, or even mix with her female friends outside of school hours. Athena wants to live like other girls her age – dating, having fun, and eventually marrying for love.

Life gets a whole lot more complicated when Athena falls in love with the most popular guy in Fremont High – Scott Sanders. Although she knows her parents will never approve, Athena can not resist Scott, and the two have a secret relationship. When her father finds out, he reveals a secret of his own. He has arranged a marriage with the son of his Greek friend, a man who Athena has never met. Now she must make the hardest decision of her life – marry this stranger and lose Scott, or face losing her family.

Forbidden Love is a tale of teenage love and of cultures clashing. It is a familiar situation in the multicultural setting of Australia as cultures merge or clash on a regular basis. It is unfortunate that the story is impeded by the need, in many places, of an editor’s touch. As a self-published book, the enthusiasm and warmth of the writer shine through, but the need for tighter prose is distracting.

A nice story.

Forbidden Love, by Georgia Mantis-Kapralos
Self Published, 2001