In Quentaris, the mystical city, young Tab Vidler lives the orphan’s life, sweeping the streets and hefting dung, as amember of the dung brigade. But Tab has dreams. In her spare moments she sneaks off to the playhouses of the city, secretly watching rehearsals and dreaming of the lives portrayed on the stage.
A chance meeting with a stranger, Azt Marossa, is the start of a strange chain of events. Soon, Tab finds herself helping him to escape from the Archon’s guards and avoid the sword fighters of the opposing Duelph and Nibhellin factions.
Marossa has her posing as the rightful heir to the throne of Quentaris, the missing child of the Perfect princess, who fled Quentaris long ago.
Will Azt change her life?
The Perfect Princess is one of the innovative Quentaris Chronicles. This series is unusual in that each title is written by a different author.
The Perfect Princess is an exciting, well written fantasy, which will satisfy those already fans of the genre, but will also cater for youngsters who may be new to fantsay. A great read.
The Perfect Princess, by Jenny Pausacker
Lothian, 2003