Want to get your children or preschool students up and marching to the beat? Rhyme and Song Singalongwill help you to do just that. This fun new book and CD set, from Matthew Perry and Jane Curry Publishing, provides an excellent introduction to music for babies, toddlers and kids up to age five.
The book offers mainly familiar rhymes and songs, including favourites like Old MacDonald, Twinkle, Twinkle, Hickory Dickory Dock and more. For parents and teachers, each song is supported by a page of activity suggestions. From simple ideas such as rocking a baby in time to the beat, to suggestions for introducing concepts such as ostinato to older children, these pages are a valuable addition which make the set different from other nursery rhyme collections.
The accompanying CD is suitable for playing by itself as well as with the book. Each song is performed in an echo-response format with loads of repetition, encouraging children to participate and learn.
Activites in this set facilitate early music skill development, enhancing listening skills and laying a foundation for future music skills. The use of familiar rhymes, repetition and movement will also help develop early literacy, communication and motor skills. Importantly, the book and CD are also great fun.
Childhood music educator Matthew Perry has worked in schools for 20 years, teaching music to all ages. He has also written musicals and music education resources and worked as a composer, conductor and pianist.
A valuable resource for school and home.
Rhyme and song Singalong, with Matthew Perry
Jane Curry Publishing, 2003
ISBN 1-920727-03-5