Another Fine Mess 002, by Norman Jorgensen

The bathroom was in complete darkness. Where was the light switch? Not on the doorframe. Where could it be? He fumbled about. Not on the wall either. He stumbled into the room and groped in the darkness. Where was the bloody toilet? He found the basin. By now his bladder was due to explode, literally. I need to pee, it screamed to his brain. He found the basin but still no loo. Suddenly he felt the edge of the bathtub. No choice. The bath would have to do.

Michael Hardy has a knack of landing himself in trouble. From watching the town fire truck sink in the sewage pond, to kidnapping garden gnomes and suffering the indignity of a wardrobe malfunction in front of the whole school, Michael and his friend Woody go from one misadventure to another. But suddenly Michael finds himself labelled a hero. How will he cope with his newfound status?

In the meantime, Michael has made a start on his future career – as a novelist. Chapters of his high-action spy novel are sprinkled throughout this tale, adding to the humour of the whole. Michael’s alter-ego, Dirk Fleming, Junior M16 Agent, lands himself in far bigger scrapes than Michael does – including being captured by the Russians after an air-fight – but he always saves the day.

Another Fine Mess 002 is a sequel to A Fine Mess, but can be read independently. Both are ideal for readers aged 10 to 14, and will appeal equally to boys and girls.

Great stuff.

Another Fine Mess 002, by Norman Jorgensen
FACP, 2007