When Hattie the hen sees a nose in the bushes one morning, no one else seems to do anything, but when she adds two eyes, two eras, two ears, a body, four legs and a body to the list of what she can see, the other animals realise it’s a fox and everybody panics – everybody, that is, except cow, who moos so loudly that the fox is frightened and runs away.
Hattie and the Fox is a long-time favourite with young readers, and their parents and teachers, with the repetitive text:
‘Good grief!’ said the goose.
‘Well, well!’ said the pig.
‘Who cares?’ said the sheep.
‘So what?’ said the horse.
‘What next?’ said the cow
encouraging youngsters to join in, and the delightful watercolour and collage illustrations, b Patricia Mullins, bringing the story to life.
To celebrate its 25th anniversary in print, Scholastic have rereleased the title, providing a chance for a new generation of readers to connect.
Hattie and the Fox, by Mem Fox & Patricia Mullins
This edition Scholastic 2011
ISBN 9781741698206
This book can be purchased in good bookstores, or online from Fishpond