Dear Reader,
It is impossible for you to ever realise just what a MASSIVE honour it is for you to be able to buy this book. Although Queen Scratchrot warned that it would end in tears, because they are the kindest, greatest wizards who have EVER lived, the Floods have decided to shared their immense wisdomness, magic and bacon-orientated secrets and history with you, even though you are mere pathetic humans. Of course, they realise that because you are mere pathetic humans, lots of this book will be much too full of cleverness for you to understand, and by no means should you use this book without supervision and extremely strong pants.
CAUTION: This book contains words. Some of them have more than four letters and may improve your life in exciting and dramatic ways.
The Amazing Illustrated Floodsopedia is jam-packed with information about Transylvania Waters and its ruling family, the Floods. There are advertisements, stories, jokes, puns, poetry, inventions and more. Many of these are illustrated. Discover the life cycle of a wizard. Learn the Nalphabet. If you don’t know what a ‘preface’ is or a ‘postscript’, Floodsopedia is here to enlighten you. You can even read your horoscope. And then, there’s bacon. Floodsopedia is a sturdy large format paperback, built to withstand multiple readings and referring-to and sharing with friends.
If you are a fan of ‘The Floods’ you will know many of the characters featured in this Floodspedia, but not all. Perhaps you will learn things you didn’t know. If you are unfamiliar with the series, this will give you an introduction to the characters and their world. Like most kingdoms there is good and evil and it can be difficult to tell which is which (or witch is witch?). There is plenty to chuckle over, and when you’ve finished reading you can write a letter to Mr Thompson using the stamps featured and post it in the Transylvania Waters Post Office which is just over the nearby horizon. Recommended for a laugh.
The Amazing Illustrated Floodsopedia, Colin Thompson Random House 2012 ISBN: 9781742751047
review by Claire Saxby, Children’s Author
Available from good bookstores or online.