Clementine’s Walk by Annie White

Clementine was very bored,

with nothing left to do.

Then looking up she saw her lead,

and that gave her a clue.

Clementine was very bored,

with nothing left to do.

Then looking up she saw her lead,

and that gave her a clue.

Clementine has a loving family but when she wants a walk, she discovers that no one is willing or able to come with her. More than that, they don’t really seem too interested in her asking the question. Clementine encounters Mum, Dad, Nana and more but they all have reasons to stay just where they are. Clementine gives up. Gradually the family finish what they’ve been doing and begin to look for Clementine but she seems to have vanished. Illustrations are pencil and watercolours in soft shades set in white space. The text is gently rhyming. Front endpapers reflect the interests of all Clementine’s family and the end endpapers suggest the route the walkers finally take.

‘Clementine’s Walk’ will resonate with many dog-owning families. Dogs just want to be part of the family and although they might not have speech, they have ways of communicating. Hardcover, set in soft orange/apricot with white titles, Clementine is immediately introduced as playful and enthusiastic. She appears friendly and approachable. ‘Clementine’s Walk’ would be a good introduction for children not quite sure about the exuberance of dogs. Current dog-owners will recognise their own dog’s antics in Clementine’s. ‘Clementine’s Walk’ is a good starting place for generating discussions about the joys and responsibilities of pet ownership.  In addition, it may well stimulate writing activities about individual dog stories. Recommended for preschool and early-schoolers.


Clementine’s Walk
, Annie White New Frontier Publishing 2013 ISBN: 9781921928475

review by Claire Saxby, Children’s Author and bookseller