The greatest naval battle in all of history looked trivial from a hight of three miles, but for a dragon the height did not matter. Everything that humans did or build was insignificant.
Dravaud had folded his wings back and was dropping like a stone. Far below, he sensed a dragon chick in distress, but had no clear view. The wind had dropped away to almost nothing and the smoke from burning ships hung over the fighting. The ship holding the chick was nowhere to be seen.
Dragonfall Mountain opens with dragon, ‘Dravaud’, observing from great height the aftermath of a great seabattle. He turns away from the wreckage and sets his sights on the nearby city. Alternating viewpoints of Dantar and his sister, Velza take up the story as they find themselves in the city, Savaria. While the sea battle may be over, there are still many mysteries for Dantar and Velza to navigate, dangers to identify and alliances to understand. Their father is here, but it’s unclear just what his purpose is and whether or not he is to be trusted. All Dantar knows for sure, is that something or someone is looking out for him.
Dragonfall Mountain is Book Two in ‘The Warlock’s Child’, a six-book fantasy series, with fantastical cover art from Marc McBride. All six are slated for 2015 release. Dantar is new to war and has much to learn, although he learns quickly. His older sister, Velza, is a warrior, striving to achieve in a man’s world. Together and separately, they adventure and fall, racing to understand what’s happening before a dragon (or more) decide their fate and that of all of those around them. Recommended for mid-primary readers.
The Warlock’s Child Bk2: Dragonfall Mountain , Paul Collins & Sean McMullen Ford Street Publishing 2015 ISBN: 9781925000931
review by Claire Saxby, Children’s author and bookseller