Did you know that the Tasmanian Tiger was wiped out within fifty years of white settlement in Australia? That there about 800 Red Pandas in captivity but only about 500 left in the wild? That over the last 400 years, 611 species have been documented as becoming extinct? Author Rick Wilkisnon does, so he set out to explore what was being done to preserve some of the many species now threatened with extinction.
In Endangered: Working to Save Animals at Risk, Wilkinson outlines the work of zoos and wildlife organistations, explaining their role in conserving and building up stocks of rare animals. By providing case studies of both well-and lesser-known endangered species and detailing what is being done to help them, Wilkinson aims to increase awareness of these animals’ plight and the reasons they are in danger of becoming extinct.
Supported with stunning photographs of leopards, frogs, pygmy possums, tree kangaroos, gibbons and more and with clear, detailed text,this is an excellent resource for classroom and library use but is also interesting enough to be suitable for private reading by children aged 8 to 12.
Endangered: Working to Save Animals at Risk, by Rick Wilkinson
Allen & Unwin, 2002