Introduced Plants & Species, by Kerry Davies

Most of Australia’s agricultural crops and flocks are introduced species. Unfortunately, a large number of pests – animal, insect and plant – are also introduced. Introduced Plants & Speciesexplores the issue in depth.

Examining pastoral, domestic and game animals, ferals, vermin, exotics, field crops, weeds and more, the text details why and how each was introduced and the benefits and pitfalls.

Suitable for science and issues classrooms, and as a library resource, Introduced Plants & Species is a valuable part of the Australian Focus on Issues series from Watts Publishing.

Introduced Plants & Species, by Kerry Davies
Watts Publishing, 2003

Refugees, by Jessica Perini

Part of the excellent Australian Focus on Issues series from Watts Publishing, Refugeesexplores the issue of refugees in the Australian context.

Topics covered include definitions of refugees and displaced persons, an examination of Australia’s programs and of the Tampa incident and more.

With obvious relevance in the social science classroom, this text would also fit well into ethics and religious classrooms, as well as being an excellent library resource.

With outstanding layout, plenty of photographic support, and internet links for further study, Refugees is valuable for upper primary and high school use.

Refugees, by Jessica Perini
Watts Publishing, 2003

Globalisation, by Kerry Davies

The concept of globalisation – the rapid development of cross-border economic, social and technological exchange – is an important one for young people to be aware of. This text, Globalisationprovides an excellent overview of the topic.

From defining globalisation, to outlining its path, Globalisation traces historical developments from the movements of ancient traders in the times when the earth was believed to be flat, through the centuries of colonisation and into the twentieth century, where events including the two great wars, the Cold War and the spectre of Communism shaped global relations. With explanations of the structure, foundation and operation of the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank and much more, this would make an outstanding text, classrooom or library resource, especially for secondary school social science or economics classes.

Part of the Australian Issues series from Watts Publishing, Globalisation maintains the high standard of the seires, with excellent layout, provision of supporting internet addresses and accessible text.

Globalisation, by Kerry Davies
Watts Publishing, 2002

Recycling, by Margaret Metz

Recycling is both a popular and an important topic for classroom study. The 32 page topic book, Recyclingis an excellent resource for lessons on this theme.

From explaining what recycling is, why and how it is done, to exploring how different materials are recycled, the book gives a comprehensive coverage of the subject. The addition of loads of itnernet references, tables and pictures, means that the book could be used as the basis for a unit of work, either as a teacher reference or as a class text.

An outstanding resource.

Recycling, by Margaret Metz
Watts Publishing, 2002

Environmental Degradation, by Margaret Metz & Victoria Hine

Environmental Degradation is an important issue for all Australians and, as such, a highly relevant subject for classroom study. This reference title is an excellent resource for such study.

Covering topics such as what environmental degredation is, its causes and effects and specific problems such as introduced species, extinction and pollution, Environmental Degredation is suitable as a class text, a library title or even a teacher reference.

Part of Watts Publishing’s Australian Focus on Issues series, the book includes accessible text for upper primary and secondary studnets, supported by plenty of internet links and quality photography.

A great resource.

Environmental Degredation
Watts Publishing, 2002

Antarctica, by Margaret McPhee

Antarctica is a popular theme for classroom study in both primary and high school classes. This 32 page reference title provides a wealth of information of use both to teachers in planning and to students in conducting research.

Part of the Australian Focus on Issues series, the book looks at a range of topics, from early exploration of Antarctica, to international treaties and current ventures. Natural aspects are also covered – including geological and neteorological facts and thw wildlife of the region.

All facts are presented in language accessible to upper primary and high school students, supported by internet links for further research and illustrated with excellent photographic imagery.

A valuable resource for cross-curricular studies, language, science and social studies classrooms and as an addition to school library collections.

Antarctica, by Margaret McPhee
Watts Publishing, 2003