Twelve months ago Marduke, the lover of Lathenia, the Goddess of Chaos, was slain. Now Latheinia is orchestrating her revenge. She is altering history, with subtle yet potentially devastating changes in the present day.
When Lathenia manages to capture Arkarian, one of the named, the danger grows. Isabel, another of the named, who has found herself growing increasingly attracted to Arkarian, is determined to find and rescue him, no matter the cost. Accompanied by her brother, Matt, and friend Ethan, also among the Named, she enters the darkest realms, where the trio face their most gruelling challenges ever.
The Dark uses a powerful and contrasting combination of contemporary setting and chilling fantasy. The use of the dual perspectives of Isabel and Arkanian adds an extra dimension, increasing the appeal to both male and female readers.
From a dark and almost awkward prologue, this book emerges into a gripping read. A sequel to The Named, The Dark is the second in the Guardians of Time Trilogy.
The Dark, by Marianne Curley
Allen & Unwin, 2003