Nisha sent her ball of fire into the dark gap. She took a sharp breath and coughed when the shadows disappeared. The magical light revealed a large statue, snugly fitting into the cave.
The statue was of two mighty warriors in elaborate armour, standing on a raised oval platform. They faced each other with swords raised and shields ready, as if frozen in the middle of combat. One of the figures was golden and glittered like the sun. The other was silver, with a sheen like a wintry full moon.
When Nisha and her friends unearth a mysterious statue under the Old Tree Guesthouse, they little expect to meet the two warriors who are immortalised in the statue. But soon the pair turn up at the Guesthouse, each eager to claim ownership of the statue, and each prepared to fight fiercely to defeat the other.
If only the battle were just between the warriors. Instead, each uses mysterious powers to draw support from the citizens of Quentaris. Soon the city is divided into two sides, with friend against friend and neighbour against neighbour. The city could be ruined by the battle, unless Nisha can use her magic to find a resolution.
Battle for Quentaris is the final in the Quentaris Chronicles series from Lothian books, and like its predecessors is a gripping fantasy offering for young readers. One of the special appeals of this series is that each title stands alone, so that a reader new to the series could read this final title and not be disadvantaged. Having said that, those who have read earlier titles will enjoy seeing some familiar faces in this offering.
Exciting fantasy for readers aged 10 and over.
Battle for Quentaris, by Michael Pryor
Lothian, 2008
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