Look See, Look at Me, by Leonie Norrington & Dee Huxley

Look see, look at me,
I’m so much bigger now I’m three.
I can run, I can jump, I can skip, I can bump…

This exuberant picture book is a delightful exploration of childhood, particularly within an Aboriginal community. As the young protagonist cavorts through the pages, he is watched – and helped – by a variety of doting family members. Most of the experiences and actions expressed in the text are ones which children and parents of every background will relate to – running, jumping, copying, giggling, bumping – but the illustrations set the action outdoors in a remote community with trees, ochre landscapes, even crocodiles adding interest for children from other parts of Australia and, importantly a setting to which children from such isolated communities will relate.

The creators, author Leonie Norrington and illustrator Dee Huxley, visited three northern communities and workshopped ideas for the text and illustrations, creating a delightful celebration of childhood and community life.


Look See, Look at Me!

Look See, Look at Me! by Leonie Norrington and Dee Huxley
Allen & Unwin, 2010

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