I Lost My Mobile at the Mall, by Wendy Harmer

Remember what it was like when you lost a baby tooth and your tongue just couldn’t help itself from exploring the new squishy gap in your gum? My fingers are like that. They’re out to explore without any supervision from me and keep reaching for the phone that isn’t there. Tap-tap-tapping on the non-existent keypad.
🙁 HLP me. Im dyng.

When Elly Pickering loses her mobile phone – not for the first time – she thinks her life is over. How will she keep in touch with her friends, most importantly her gorgeous boyfriend Will? Her parents refuse to buy her a new phone, and soon it seems her life is spiralling out of control. Things with Will are rocky, someone has posted embarrassing photos of her on the internet, and then she finds herself without a computer, too.

I Lost My Mobile at the Mall is funny reality fiction about one teenager’s dependence on technology and what happens when she loses that technology. At the same time it explores issues including cyber bullying, peer pressure, and being an individual. As well as being an entertaining story, the book offers teens a chance to extend their reading experience through an interactive website accessed through scanning a special code on the back of the book.

A funny read likely to appeal especially to teenage girls.

I Lost My Mobile at the Mall, by Wendy Harmer
Random House, 2009

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