The Gods of Amyrantha, by Jennifer Fallon

The Tide Lords are returning and that means every man, woman and child is in danger …

When Arkady and her husband, Stellan, are exiled to Torlenia, she little expects to become friends with one of the immortals. Back in Glaeba, her friend (and the King’s Spymaster) Declan Hawkes is having his own trouble with the immortal Tide Lords, who are busy jockeying for position as the Tide returns.

Hawkes and his colleagues are working to find a way to kill the Tide Lords and put a halt to their scheming and fighting, the dreadful consequences of which have affected humankind for thousands of years.

The Gods of Amyrantha is the second title in the Tide Lords trilogy, and will be eagerly devoured by fans of Jennifer Fallon’s work. The various strands of the tale are tightly woven, drawing the reader in to the intrigue and twists and turns of the lives both of the Tide Lords and of the humans who live around them. The most disappointing part will be having to wait for the next, and final, installment.

Gods of Amyrantha (Tide Lords)

The Gods of Amyrantha, by Jennifer Fallon
Harper Voyager, 2007

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Warrior, by Jennifer Fallon

Once Marla was a princess with no power – just a pawn in a male-dominated world. Now, though, she has become the power behind Hythria’s throne. But while she is playing her political game, Alija, the High Arrion of the Sorcerer’s Collective, is busily plotting her downfall.

There are other problems, too. Marla’s son, Damin, is being brought up in his uncle Mahkas’ house, but Mahkas is obsessed with his desire to see Damin marry his daughter. And Marla’s closest ally, Elezaar the Fool, is facing a crisis of his own.

Warrior is the second title in Jennifer Fallon’s Hythrun Chronicles. Like the first, it is a well-woven complex fantasy tale, with plots and subplots woven tightly together to keep the reader absorbed from start to finish.

An enthralling read.

Warrior, by Jennifer Fallon
Voyager, 2005

Wolfblade, by Jennifer Fallon

Being a Hythrian princess gives Marla Wolfblade no power. She is just a bargaining chip – a body to be traded to the highest bidder, to provide her brother, the High Prince, with an heir. At the age of sixteen her marriage has been arranged, and there’s nothing she can do about it.

But Marla has more wit than anyone suspects and, with an unlikely aide – the dwarf Elezaar – her position slowly improves. Marla is determined to restore her family’s great name and real power. A fast learner, her astuteness surprises those who surround her.

But in a society where assassins walk freely and sorcerers plot for power, can one young princess really triumph and ensure the longevity of the Wolfblade line?

Wolfblade is a superb fantasy offering. The first in a planned trilogy, it is also a prequel to author Jennifer Fallon’s previous bestselling trilogy, The Demon Child.

Fallon creates a multi-layered and very believable society where politics and religion mingle, and the roles of every group in society are clearly defined. Plots and subplots are clear, but not predictable, and the reader is left satisifed but eager for the arrival of the next instalment in the trilogy.

An outstanding fantasy read.

Wolfblade; The Hythrun Chronicles Book One, by Jennifer Fallon
Voyager, an imprint of Harper Collins, 2004