Raven Lucas 3: Chinese Whispers by Christine Harris

  A bullet smashes through the glass wall and splinters a hole in the desk above me. Death, in the shape of a small piece of metal, is looking for me. I curl my arms protectively around my head. The carpet is rough against my cheek. Another bullet shatters glass. Then, suddenly, unexpectedly, the noise … Continue reading “Raven Lucas 3: Chinese Whispers by Christine Harris”

Raven Lucas 2: Dead Wrong by Christine Harris

Raven felt her mum’s hand quivering in hers.

‘I can’t do it,’ whispered Mum. ‘I just … can’t.’ She had lost weight recently and it made her eyes look huge.

‘It’s okay,’ said Raven. ‘I don’t mind going. It’s doing something for Dad.’

Actually, she did mind. Not because she was standing in for Mum, but because Gerald Rooney, her dad’s business partner, had pressured them. Her stomach knotted at the idea of having to smile and talk to people she didn’t know.

As though nothing was wrong.

It was becoming harder to pretend that Dad was only running late. That he’d turn up any minute with a laughing apology. Since he had disappeared there was a huge silence in their lives. The music had gone. The colour. The breath.

Audrey Goes to Town, by Christine Harris

Audrey Barlow bounced as the wheels of the wooden cart hit a pothole. Although the floor was padded with blankets and what was left in the food bags, each bump jarred Audrey and her brothers. Douglas fell sideways, giggling. He was only three, so he giggled at nearly everything. ‘Sesiting, isn’t it?’ said Audrey. Audrey … Continue reading “Audrey Goes to Town, by Christine Harris”

Audrey of the Outback, by Christine Harris

Price gave another generous shake of the tin, replaced the lid and put it outside the dunny. ‘Be careful,’ said Audrey. ‘I know what I’m…’ Price cleared his throat. ‘It’ll be okay. Move back if you’re worried.’ Audrey obeyed. Price took a matchbox from his pocket, lit a match and threw it into the open … Continue reading “Audrey of the Outback, by Christine Harris”

Cool Bananas, by Christine Harris

When she goes to stay with her grandpa for the first time, Claudia expects him to use a walking stick and smell like old cabbage. Instead, he meets her at the airport dressed in a lurid shirt with wraparound sunnies and his hair gelled into spikes. How embarrassing! Claudia wonders how she will survive a … Continue reading “Cool Bananas, by Christine Harris”

Outback, by Christine Harris

Before I came up north, I imagined that the outback would be dead quiet. But it never is. The bush is alive. It might sound silly, but it’s true. There’s the wind shaking leaves or blowing dust. Bird calls. The pounding of kangaroos…And even on a day when there is no wind and no animals … Continue reading “Outback, by Christine Harris”

Nightmare, by Christine Harris

A long silence stretched between them. ‘OK,’ said Jesse. ‘You have a question on your face that isn’t making it to your lips. What is it?’ ‘I heard you attacked another agent. Is that true?’ ‘Attacked?’ She glared at Liam. ‘If somebody grabs you around the throat and you fight back, would you call that … Continue reading “Nightmare, by Christine Harris”