With jokes on a range of topics – there are chapters on sport, travel, school, animals and more – and of different types, including knock knock jokes, limericks, and silly book titles, there is plenty here to keep the child in your life laughing for ages.
What do you get when you touch an electric parrot?
A shockatoo
(Mitchell Johnson, Australian Cricketer)
What do you call a sewer that’s jammed with Aussie plumbers?
A bloked drain.
(Kate Ritchie, actress)
Which tree has teeth?
A gum tree.
(Manu Feildel, My Kitchen Rules)
There’s an old, oft-quoted adage which says “Laughter is the best medicine’, but did you also know that if you laugh 100 times a day it is the same amount of exercise as 15 minutes of rowing or jogging? SO you odn’t have to be sick to really benefit from a good laugh. Camp Quality is an organisation devoted to making people laugh – especially kids who are sick with cancer. Best Ever Aussie Jokesis the latest in their series of joke books published to help support their important work.
With jokes on a range of topics – there are chapters on sport, travel, school, animals and more – and of different types, including knock knock jokes, limericks, and silly book titles, there is plenty here to keep the child in your life laughing for ages. Cartoon-style illustrations by Louis Shea on most pages add tot he visual appeal.
Well worth buying both to support kids living with cancer and to give yourself, and your children, a laugh.

Best Ever Aussie Jokes! (Camp Quality), illustrated by Louis Shea
Scholastic Australia, 2011
Available in good bookstores, or online from Fishpond.